Thursday, April 28, 2011

13 Questions TAG!!!

I love watching tag videos b/c It makes me feel so 
much better to know that 
I'm not the only weirdo in the world....

Questions & Answers: 

1. What do you order at Starbucks?
Don't go there!!2. What's one thing in your closet that you cannot live without?
My Jeggins
3. What's one thing that most people probably wouldn't know about you?
That I have my own youtube channel.
4. Name one thing that you want to do before you die
5. What's one food that you cannot live without?
6. What quote/phrase do you live your life by?
I'm #1.... why try harder!
7. What do you like and dislike about the YT community?
Like: The awesome friends that I meet everyday!
Dislike: How much YT has change!
8. What's your number one most listened to song on iTunes?
Call on me by Eric Prydz
9. What kind of style would you define yourself as having?
10. Favorite number
7 & 2
11. Two hobbies
knitting and cooking
12. Two pet peeves
When guys said "I'm not jealous" after asking you if you have a boyfriend.
Making weird sounds after eating to try to clean your teeth.
13. Guilty Pleasure

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