Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Kids' Winter Haul

Hi Everybody;
I just wanted to share this awesome website. I have been using the website for 6 years and I have safe a ton of money.
It gives you consignment sales and stores through out your state, I usually choose the sales that are closer to me. It is very similar to goodwill you may say, but it is actually better since we mom's need to stretch our bucks; the consignment gives you the wonderful opportunity to sell your kids gentle used clothes, so you would have extra money to buy them new items. If you decide to buy clothes or items in the sales make sure you bring something easy to carry since there are not shopping carts or baskets. I usually take my laundry basket and I have attach string so I can drag it across the floor (crafty LOL).   I have also bought maternity clothes from there. I also seen many teenagers buying clothes brands like aeropostale and american eagle those are usually the favorites. (if you decide to sell your items they give you a few hours before the actual sale)
Check out the next consignment sale near you and tell me your experience.

Thanks for watching!!! See ya'll next time! 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Do you Dare????

Are you tired of being a good person and people taking advantage of you??
Have you ever felt like doing something wrong????
After watching this clip you should reconsider b/c Karma is a b....!
Well, I came across this short clip a long time ago, and 
I decided to share with you b/c 
 I thought it was a hilarious concept
I would love to have that happen to me, except for the ending of course...
I hope you guys enjoy this next vid as much as I did.

Thanks for watching!!
See ya'll in my next vid!!! 
Check out my youtube channel @

Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Day in Africa

So, yay, I went to africa this last weekend and it was so much fun!!!
Well, it really wasn't Africa but the experience that I got was phenomenal.

We saw at least 3 or 4 different types of deer and cousins.

There were ostriches and nandu
(smaller than ostrich but with a mix of wild turkey found in South America)

Belle loved feeding them 

We rented a car that was painted like a zebra, like the one you are watching in front,
 but if you didn't want to rent a car then you can go 
in your own car.  Pretty much you would be at your own risk!

Vivi was scared of the animals and keep yelling 
but eventually she began trusting them enough that she fed one in the mouth.

Doesn't this pic looks like its taken from the National Geographic magazine.... 
The wild hog is drinking water in a lake in Africa,
 he is very cautious because 
 He was eaten by a crocodile. 
(PS: No animal was harm!)

The next cat is a female LIGER!! 
I can't believe I saw one with my own two eyes!!!

Anybody remembers Zabomafo! 

Do you guys love my hat!!!
Yep, that's me petting a .... 
I don't remember what type of cat that was... 

I love Kangaroos so much that I would love to travel to
 Australia for the kangaroos and the beautiful beaches.

Meet the happy family!
Belle, Me (Jossie), Vivi, & Maury

See y'all next time!!
Don't forget to check out my youtube channel! 


Well, Summer is fun besides the hot long days of summer to me is 
actually the most expensive time of the year. 
I compare July to December. I feel there is some kind of plot 
in my family that about 10 people in my family, whose 
b-day is in the summer between June and July.  I have 3 people
 whose birthday is in June including my own daughter and my older brother.
 And then it comes July; my mom, granddad, grandmom, younger brother,
 niece, cousin and other people, As you can see I'm extremely busy during the summer
 plus the fact that my oldest daughter is out of school and for some
 reason when my two kids get together they break down the house hard..... 
Ok, so I'm exaggerating 
but yes they tend to drive me a bit crazy, with 
swimming lessons to vacations and vbs, I'm all over the place.  

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Fun Weekend!

This weekend I was invited to a party which it was held by the manager of where
 We used to live before we came to live in the country side. I used to live in a really nice 
apartment community located really close to popular restaurants,
 city life and the downtown area. Where I lived I can literally go to most places walking.
 Even though the 
apartments itself were old, I say they were old... they really were old. The apartments 
were build during WWII, yes, and it was used before by the militia. There are 
more things I could tell you about those apartments, but I think 
for now I can only tell you they were in a pretty good location,
 we had a track and a golf course on the
 back and a nice playground within 5 miles. The downfall of the apartments 
well, the people... yes, most of the people were college students,
 single professionals, or couples just married, not that many kids.
 At that time we only had our first daughter Belle, of course we didn't like the
 fact that we would be at the pool having a good time and all of a sudden
 a bunch of college kids would
 bring beers, cigarettes to the pool and start rough housing. 
Well, after two years of not being near that area, we were invited for 
a party in the community. It was fun seeing all the people that I haven't seen in a while, 
talking to them. Everybody asking where the little ones were 
(My hubby and I knew the amount of kids that would be there, so we 
decide it that it would be best if our daughters
 stay playing with grandma and grandpa!)
 and the food was good we eat chorizo with bread and tomato slices. 
The air was hot but not humid. At the background there was a reggae band playing 
and young people playing with frisbees and footballs. 
I say young people but I'm also young!! 
 I just wanted to talk to my friends and 
my hubby was busy too, talking and laughing about the apartments, 
its people and how much we miss our old apartment. 
I couldn't record the band playing to Bob Marley b/c I had left my camera
 in the car but I asked my handsome husband to get it for me and
 I was able to record the second performers.  
So these are the second performers: this ladies were  not afraid of playing with fire!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

A Day with Nature!!

We went to NC for a day it was so much fun!!
 People are friendly and 
I love those boil peanuts!!!

I love horses so much but were I leave  I don't get to see horses.

Whoever wrote that needs an award!!! 

And the natural born enemies encounter again what would happen  next.....

LOL!! nothing they just had an staring contest!

That's the end of this blog!!
 Don't forget to check out my youtube channel and my next blog!!
Love y'all!!!!